The light ring plays an important role in the alert process, using several colors to alert those in sight of impending or immediate danger. 按钮旁边的光环在报警过程中扮演了重要的角色,它可以发出好几种颜色的光,警告人们即将或正在出现的危险。
While Western officials say they don't fear an impending conflict with Russia's aged fleet, the presence adds a new source of potential danger for miscalculation in an increasingly combustible region. 尽管西方官员说,他们不担心与俄罗斯日渐老化的舰队即将发生的冲突,但在一个局势日益紧张的地区,俄罗斯的举动增加了各方可能出现误判的危险。
Your character has a well-developed survival instinct that warns him of impending danger. 你的人物具有发达的生存本能,能够提醒自己警惕迫近的危险。
The king convokes parliament to cope with the impending danger. 国王召开国会以应付迫近眉睫的危险。
Foresight: "Sixth sense" warns of impending danger. He exposes himself to all sorts of dangers, and he does not like to have us even seem to notice it. 预警术:你的“第六感”可对即将到来的危险发出警告。他冒着各种危险,还不许我们有感到危险的神情。
Anxiety can be defined as fearful anticipation of impending danger, the source of which is unknown or unrecognized. 焦虑可以被定义为可怕的预测或即将到来的危险,但对于焦虑本身却不为人所知。
Characterized by surreal distortion and a sense of impending danger. 有超现实主义扭曲的和即将发生危险的感觉。
The US Army Corps of Engineers built spillways and tunnels to prevent the lakes overtopping their natural dams – and these are still monitored closely today, to provide early warning of any impending danger. 美国军队的工兵挖掘了泄洪道与引流渠,以避免湖水漫过自然堤坝。时至今日,它们仍然处于严密监控之下,以便在危险即将来临之前提供预警。
Foresight. Psionic senses warn you of impending danger. 预警术:灵能感官向你警告迫近的危险。
The main cause in impending danger of wild rice resources was mankind activity, including urban construction, highway construction, agricultural reclaim, over herding, environmental pollution, foreign species irruption et al. 造成野生稻濒危的主要原因是人们的各种活动,包括城镇扩大、修公路、农业开垦、过度放牧、环境污染、外来物种侵蚀等。
For human, to investigate how the brain processes the visual information of this motion and how it informs the motion system for escaping the impending danger object is also a meaningful project. 对人类来说,研究人脑如何处理运动过程中的视觉信息以及怎样通知运动系统以躲避即将到来的危险是非常有意义的工作。